Hudson was saying, "Cheese," but couldn't stop playing with my jacket's zipper.
Today Hayes had his 2 month doctor's appointment. Well, he is actually 2 months & 19 days old :-) He did really good at his appointment. The nurse asked if he could do certain things, for example, follow you with his eyes, smile, coo, laugh, bring fist to mouth, lift his head from tummy position, & etc. Our little boy could do it all :-) The doctor came in and he just started smiling and talking to her. She was amazed by how strong he was and how interactive he was with her. We are so proud of our boy!! She stood him on his feet and he locked his legs and just smiled.
Here are his stats at 2 months:
Weight: 17 lbs 5 oz (97% or "off the charts")
Height: 25.25 inches (95%)
Head Circum: 15.75 inches (average)
Fun Facts about Hayes:
Diapers: Size 2
Feeding: Takes 2 bottles/day & Nurses around 4 times
Sleep: He still likes to nap several times a day. He has slept through the night 1 time. Most night he only gets up 1 time a night. After he nurses he goes right back to sleep.
Clothing: He wears 3-6 month clothes but is now more comfy in 6 month.
**A couple of funny things happened at his appt. When the nurse was weighing Hayes, he started peeing. Pee landed almost everywhere. We were finding it on the floor and all over the table. We told Hayes that he was going to get a bad reputation. Josh & I just stood there laughing at the situation. Little boys...You got to love 'em!! Then, when the nurses came in to give him shots, they said, "Oh my gosh, he looks 4 months old." That is our boy, I mean big boy!! Love you Hayes
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