This Christmas we had some exciting news to share with family & friends......that we are having another baby!! Part of the fun for Josh & I is deciding how to tell our families. The weekend before Christmas we had Christmas with my side of the family. Poor Hudson was sick but he was still able to participate. Our Christmas morning with my side started with breakfast, playing, and then presents. I was so anxious that whole morning. I bought Hudson a big brother shirt and put it in a gift bag for him to open at Mom & Dad's. He started opening a bunch of presents from Mom & Dad, Carrie & Josh and the boys. Then, I thought it was time to give him the gift bag. Hudson opened it up and then threw the shirt to the floor. I think he was wanting a toy :-) I said, "Hudson what did you get?" I held the shirt up and Carrie was the first to notice it. She said, "What, what, are you kidding??" Then my Mom (who was picking up wrapping paper off the floor) noticed and got so excited. She went over to my Dad and asked, "Pa-Pa have you seen it?" Dad looked and said, "Uh-Oh"!! Everybody was excited for us. We told them that the baby is due Aug. 13th and that I was 7 weeks along. They were shocked that I had kept it a secret for weeks!!
We were at Josh's side over Christmas weekend. His Mom on Christmas Eve asked me if I was pregnant. She said that she thought we might have some news to tell. I assured her that NO we were waiting for Hudson to get a little bit older. I fooled her :-) Josh's Dad said that we didn't fool him. He thought we probably were anyway but he didn't say anything. We made Josh's Mom, aka Nana, a 2011 calendar for her stocking stuffer. In the month of August, I put several photos of Hudson in his Big Brother shirt. My heart was pounding as she flipped through the calendar. When she got to August, she said, "I knew it!!" Everyone was so excited. We asked Hudson if he was excited to be a Big Brother and he said, "No Way!!" We were so happy to get to share this news with our families at Christmas. I can't help but think that there will be a new little one at Christmas next year!!