Monday, March 28, 2011

Camping March 2011

Last week we went on our first ever camping trip and stayed in a tent. For those of you who know me, I am not a tent kind-of-girl. I like my conveniences (running water, heat, makeup, you know the important things in life). We went to Withrow Springs outside of Huntsville, AR, and set up camp. Hudson was asleep for the first 1 1/2 hours after we got there. He woke up and wasn't sure what was going on. It took him about 30 minutes to warm up to the camping idea. We built a fire, roasted hotdogs and made s'mores. My favorite part was the cooking. Josh did a great job at keeping the fire going. That evening Hudson didn't go to sleep till about 10:30 but he slept great. I, on-the-hand, slept horrible. It doesn't help being pregnant and having to get up twice during the night to potty. I was also freezing. I think I would like it much better when it is warmer. That next morning Hudson woke up and he realized that it was pretty cold. We stepped out of the tent and Hudson pointed to the car and said, "CAR!!" My poor little guy was freezing and needed to get warmed up. So, we jumped in the car and drove to McDonald's. We went through the drive-thru...I got a decaf coffee and Josh got orange juice. It was only about 2 miles from the campsite...Thank goodness. After getting back to the campsite, I made eggs, sausage, and toast. I'm glad Hudson got to experience camping in the great outdoors :-)

Eating a marshmallow

Spacious inside the tent


  1. So much fun! I especially love the pic of Josh dragging the limbs for the fire. Modern day caveman :)

  2. I'm with you...I'm not really a tent kind of girl either, but it looks like you all had fun. :)
