Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
5 Months {Hayes}
I know I say this all the time, but you are such a wonderful little boy. We are SO happy that you are a part of our family. I LOVE how you smile when me, Daddy, or Hudson talk to you. Your little face just lights up which in turn melts our hearts. You are a true joy. I couldn't ask for a better brother for Hudson. We love you Hayes and can't wait to see what God's plans for you will be.
Fun facts about you.....
You are rolling all the time. You do not stay on your back for very long. You move all over your crib at night. You are grasping toys with your hands now and like to get them to your mouth. We think you are dropping toys from your highchair on purpose, and you like to see us pick them up. You are starting to sit up, too. Today I timed you and without any help, you sat by yourself for 34 seconds---Way to go :-) You still have those chubby legs and a big ole' belly. We love all those rolls!!
Sleep: You are doing great. Sometimes you wake up for a little bit at night when you are rolling but go back to sleep. You take a cat-nap (45 min) in the morning. Then around 1pm you take your afternoon nap, and it lasts about 3 hours (good napper). It is really nice that you go down the same time Hudson does for his nap. We are putting you down around 8pm now for bed. You get up around 6 to 6:30am...have a bottle and sleep till maybe 9am.
Diapers: You are still in size 3 diapers.
Feeding: You still take your bottle about 5 times a day (6 oz each time). We started you on cereal and baby food this month. You are a good eater. I think more food is on you & your bib than in your belly :-) You like squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, & peaches. I am going to try apples and pears this week. You did eat a "real" pear in a feeder tonight and loved it. You did hate sweet peas though. You are just like your Daddy about the peas.
Clothing: You can fit in 9 & 12 month clothes. Twelve month pants are more comfortable for you though.
Toys: Wow, you got a bunch of new toys at Christmas and are enjoying all of them. It is really hard to just pick out one that you like because you enjoy them all :-)
Thursday, December 1, 2011
4 Months {Hayes}

Fun facts about you.....
You rolled over yesterday (11-30-2011). I was in the kitchen while you were playing on your playmat in the living room. I looked in on you, and you were on your belly. Daddy got home so we got you back on your playmat. We noticed you were grabbing the ring from the top and pulling up on it :-) You are so strong.
Sleep: You take a few naps during the day. You just LOVE to sleep which I am happy with. You really don't have a schedule with your naps set in stone yet but we are happy with how you sleep. You are sleeping through the night pretty much. You always wake up in a happy mood. I will hear you talking & cooing in your bed through the monitor.
Diapers: You are still in a size 3 but could move up to a 4 at any time. You are growing way too fast.
Feeding: You are completely on the bottle now. You transitioned from nursing to a bottle wonderfully. You are drinking the Gerber formula and really like it. You usually take about 6 oz each time (eat about 5 bottles a day).
Clothing: You are in 9 month clothes right now but like your diapers, I'm sure you will be moving up to 12 month clothes in no time :-)
Toys: You still love your exersaucer & playmat. You love to watch Hudson play and everything going on around you.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
My 2 Handsome Boys
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Leaf Collection
Last Thursday at school, Hudson was given a paper bag to collect leaves in. His assignment was to find leaves for his paper bag & bring them to school the following week. The plan is that they are going to use the leaves for various projects.
So, while Hayes was napping, Hudson & I took a quick trip outside to look for leaves (he has been coughing the last few days so we didn't waste any time). I just love this first picture because his outfit is so cute & funny. He doesn't care if he is "stylish" but I think he looks good!! We went in our front & back yards. We also walked down our little street to some of our neighbors' yards. I like these little classroom assignments. Now in about 13 years when he has a major science or math project, then we will get Daddy's help.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Rice Cereal--YUM
Tonight was Hayes' first attempt at eating rice cereal. He didn't really know what to think about it. He took a few bites and most of it came right back out :-) I ended up mixing a bottle up and put the remaining cereal/formula in the bottle. He ate that up. I think he did really good being it was his first attempt at eating with a spoon. I love all the "firsts" we get to experience. I just hope he loves to eat as much as Hudson.
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